The Earth In Its Early Ages
Story / / July 04, 2021
Whatever the way the Earth came to be, it seems that at first it was, like the other planets, a kind of gaseous and incandescent globe, or fireball, which even emitted light like the stars. It cooled later and became a liquid, incandescent mass. Finally, it became a body with large masses of water, liquid or in the form of vapor, and with its crust solidified although in the midst of large eruptions.
The history of the Earth, studied by Geology, presents the following stages:
a) The Azoic Era>,:> Archaic, in which there was no life.
b) The Paleozoic or Primary Era, in which the first specimens of life appeared on our planet, in the form of algae, in the seas: then invertebrate animals are found, such as worms, jellyfish, sponges, starfish, etc. Little by little plants are known that adapt to terrestrial life, especially ferns. Vertebrate animals also appear in the sea. Later, there are amphibian animals.
c) The Mesozoic or Secondary Era: it presented profound changes in the shape of the terrestrial layers and in the schism: some of the previous animal spaces were extinguished and others were born, such as the saurians or gigantic reptiles, that crawled and> r, r the ground or that had legs, and then the reptiles that flew, all of them disappeared by new shocks that they could not resist. As the climate softened, new flowering plants appeared, as well as reptiles of a more moderate size, as well as the first forms of birds.
d) The Cenozoic or Tertiary Era: in it the flora spread to the interior valleys of the Earth. It was the time of the great development of mammals in all their forms, including the great apes.
e) The Anthropozoic or Quaternary Era: man appears and, at the same time; the flora and fauna have an appearance similar to the current one.