Sample Refund Request
Administration / / July 04, 2021
We can understand how refund request, to a series of documents in which request the recovery of something or the reintegration of something, which is generally in reimbursement of economic amounts, reimbursement for unnecessary expenses, reimbursement of workers or reimbursement of students.
The concept is to reinstate (reimburse) something, such as a drug expense, a student's school reimbursement, or a worker's reimbursement.
Example of refund request:
Example 1 Reimbursement for drug use:
In this case, it is the economic reimbursement for the expense of medicines for a person who had right to them at no cost and that he had to acquire them by his own means due to his shortage.
Refund request
Economic reimbursement for the consumption of medicines.
Beneficiary:Raúl Contreras Vilchis.
Affiliation number:00235874-2003.
Insured card:56987702.
Curp or DNI: RCVCB1988RGF.
Reimbursement: A reimbursement of the amount consisting of $ 4700.00 pesos is requested for the acquisition of medicines for regulated use, medicines that according to the social security statute in its article 1546, correspond to the benefits of the insured and are already covered, act by which the Reimbursement of the amount corresponding to the account of the insured.
Mr. Raúl Contreras Vilchis
Example 2 Request for school reinstatement:
This is the means that some universities use so that students who for various reasons leave their studies can be reintegrated at the point at which they were suspended, this to avoid studying a semester or year full. (This usually has a tolerance period of about six months.)
Request for school reinstatement
College of free consultants and accountants of México S.C
Av. Hacienda la Onda No. 3546
Cabbage. Eastern army
Municipality of Ecatepec de Morelos Mexico.
C.P 326587
Ecatepec Mexico, April 23, 2014
Who subscribes, Roberto Martínez López, who is studying the career of Public Accountant in this house of studies.
Because it is a feasible procedure for me as it is within the six-month margin established by the statute university, for which I request that I be reinstated to the corresponding semester and course to continue my studies.
Student: Roberto Martínez López.
Race: Accounting
Credential number: 3691
Registration payment: National Bank of Finance, for an amount of $ 1200.00 pesos.
Roberto Martinez Lopez