Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2016
The religious phenomenon presents an immense range of possibilities. There are religions with only one God, others are polytheistic, and there are also religions without gods (for example, Buddhism). In the case of religion Umbanda, its doctrines and beliefs make up one of the most unique syncretic movements. His followers are mainly in Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela.
Historical and spiritual roots
The Africans who came as slaves to American lands from the colonization introduced a series of rituals to communicate with the gods, with the elements of nature and with the dimension spiritual of human existence. The rituals that they practiced were oriented to the harmony of daily life and were carried out so that there would be good harvests or to avoid diseases.
With the passage of time these beliefs were transmitted from generation to generation and gradually these rites were mixed with Catholic beliefs and with the tradition pre-Columbian of the natives.
In 1908, an 18-year-old Brazilian young man, ZĂ©lio Fernandino de Morais, was the medium who established the foundations of the current Umbanda religion. This young man had a paralysis that prevented him
to walk, but after contacting a spirit he recovered from the disease and began a new spiritual path founding Umbanda temples in different territories of Brazil.The meaning of life for his followers
Those who follow the Umbanda religion practice charity and love fraternal between human beings as the two fundamental principles that should guide existence. On the other hand, the figure of Jesus Christ is a reference moral among its practitioners.
The search for healing and contact with the spirits
In this religion, much importance is given to curing diseases and contact with beings from beyond. In Umbandist or Terreiros temples the faithful meet with a medium, who has the ability to contact spirits or to resolve all kinds of situations.
People who attend Umbanda temples are previously purified with natural herbs and incense. This ritual has the purpose of cleansing the spirit and warding off bad vibrations.
The origin of the word umbanda
Its true origin is unknown (it is stated that it could come from Sanskrit, from the Adamic alphabet, from some symbol Vedic or that the seven letters that make it up are related to the seven archangels). As for its meaning, it means "God of Gods", but it also means "union between men."
Photos: Fotolia - val_iva / veleri_kz
Themes in Umbanda