Example of Comparison Between Fractions
Math / / July 04, 2021
In all fractions the denominator tells us the number of equal parts in which the unit has been divided. Similarly, the numerator tells us the number of parts we take. When comparing two or more fractions we have to look at the numerator and denominator of each of them.
Examples of comparison of fractions:
Fractions of the same numerator:
2/4 and 2/6
The fraction with the lowest denominator will be greater, in this case 2/4 is greater than 2/6.
Another example:
5/2 and 5/4
The fraction 5/2 is greater than 5/4
Fractions of the same denominator:
6/8 and 3/8
The fraction that has a greater numerator will be greater, in this case 6/8 is greater than 3/8
Another example:
3/4 and 7/4
The fraction 7/4 is greater than 3/4
Martín, Francisco and Pepe share a big cake. Each of them eat the following fractions of it: Martín 4/8, Francisco 5/8 and Pepe 2/8. Let's analyze in this simple example who eats the most cake. According to the previous reasoning we have to:
Francisco ate more cake than Martin
Martín ate less cake than Francisco and more than Pepe
Pepe ate less cake than Martín and less than Francisco
After completing a speed competition, each participant noted:
Federico: I ran 4/6, Lita: I ran 4/5, Alicia: I ran 4/8, Pancho: I ran 4/4
Let's see the order in which each of the competitors arrived according to his statements:
Pancho arrived first, then Lita, Federico and lastly Alicia.
To read any fraction you must first read the numerator and then the denominator. In situations where the denominator is greater than 10, the ending "avos" must be added to the name of the denominator.
Let's see examples of reading fractions:
1- 4/3 reads four thirds
2- 5/6 reads five sixths
3 - 6/13 reads six thirteenths
4- 8/11 reads eight elevenths
5- 7/12 reads seven twelfths