Salary Claim Example
Human Resources / / July 04, 2021
The wage claim It is the claim that a person makes to his employer, whether it is a company or government agency, when payment is not made salary or payment is incomplete, either due to discounts or taxes, or lack of calculation of overtime or overtime work.
It can also be brought by a union to the employer or to the labor authority, to request or claim discounts or unpaid benefits.
- In a wage claim mention is made of:
- The name of the official in charge of personnel in the company or agency where you work
- The explanation of the wage claim, exposing in a reasoned and clear manner the reasons and causes for which the claim is made.
- In the case of discounts, indicate from when the benefit for which the discount was made was covered, or the reasons why this discount is unjustified.
- If they are available, attach the documents that are necessary to support the claim.
Sample wage claim letter:
Mexico City, May 12, 2013
Sir captain
Fabricio Mendoza Núñez
Chief of staff of the aeronautical company
Transportes Aéreos S.A de C.V.
The undersigned I have worked in this company for the last four years, in the position of aviator pilot, in charge of cargo transportation. During the last two months, due to weather complications and delays due to air traffic at some airports, I have performed my functions as a pilot with overtime, in the fulfillment of my work duty as responsible for the ship and the cargo contained in the herself; This situation has been duly communicated to both the Shipping Department and its personnel management.
However, despite being reported, said overtime hours have not been covered in my last two salary payments; These hours amount to 43 hours in the period from April 1 to 14 and 25 hours in the period from April 15 to 30. Same that I certify with a copy of the reports and flight log that I attach hereto.
I trust in your good judgment and that this situation is only a transitory event due to some human error.
Pedro Work Accomplished