Poetry Example: The Dominant Accent
Drafting / / July 04, 2021
It is one of the essential elements of the verse. Poetry, like any art, follows a set of rules authorized by use; However, the modern versifying artist dispenses with the traditional normative at his discretion. The verse does not change of measure, when the final word is serious; but if it is acute, one more syllable is counted; and if it is esdrújula, a syllable less is counted.
The bride is pale... (Of eight syllables) '
The musical aviary... (Nine syllables)
This is how life should feel... (Of eleven syllables)
On the ridiculous sea with the wings in a cross... (Of fourteen syllables)
(Verses culled from compositions by José Juan Tablada) The accent gives the verse its musical quality: it makes it pleasant to the ear.
a) Italian. Type of verse with accentuation in the sixth and tenth syllables.
Example: las pa / lo / mas ofcul / tas / en / la / fron / áa. ..
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b) Sapphic or improper. Type of verse with accentuation in the fourth, eighth and tenth syllables. It is called sapphic because its invention is attributed to the Greek poet Sappho.
Example: En / el a / 6ü / mo / del / do / lor / pe / ne / tro.. .
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(González Martínez)
c) Anapestic. Verse type with stress on the first, fourth, seventh and tenth syllables.
Example: Can / tan / los ni / ños / can / 'ció /' nes / a // «/ gres ...
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