Numbers In The Newsroom
Drafting / / July 04, 2021
The plural —form that indicates more than one being— has general and particular rules for its formation, the knowledge of which is the duty of the good editor. Grammar will teach you to solve various problems, including: which terms escape the general norms, which ones change their accentuation in the plural, how voices are pluralized foreign, how many types of compound words are there for the purposes of pluralization, what are the invariant forms and the unique plurals, and others that occur in the correct use from language.
Incorrect plurals Correct plurals
the "moms" the moms
the "sis" the yeses
the "you" the oes
the "albums" the albums
the "ensigns" the ensigns
the "characters" the characters
the "regimes" the regimes
the "bus" the buses
the "ten" the ten
the "fracs" the fraques
Ios- "clubs" the clubs
the "pencil" the pencils
the "pieses" the feet
the "woes" the woes
the "maguey" the magueys
the "penknives" the penknives
the "plots" the plots
ios "short circuits" short circuits
the crazy "mean" the crazy half
"anyone" will say it anyone will say
the "casaquintas" the casaquintas
the "ceilings" the ceilings
the "portholes" the portholes
the "crow's feet" the crow's feet
the "gentlemen" the gentlemen
the "Our Fathers" the Our Fathers
the "sons of god" the sons of god
the "phoenixes" the phoenixes
the "buses" the buses
the "thoraxes" the thorax
the "to and fro" the ups and downs
the "laughingstockYes" the laughingstock
• Indistinct forms Attention should be drawn to a special case: the singular or plural can be used names of objects formed by two equal parts (modern use in the singular prevails, mainly in America). For example:
glasses and glasses pants and pants
briefs and briefs briefs and briefs
panties and panties panties and panties
nose and noses tweezers and tweezers
pliers and pincers pliers and pliers
• Abusive plurals When we express:
... I was slowly descending the stairs... they put the tablecloths on the table... the fruits in the desserts were exotic
we use plural forms [stairs, tablecloths, desserts] instead of the corresponding singular (since the ladder is only one, the same as the tablecloth and the dessert), for a desire to weigh or emphasize significant.
In the mention of the psychic faculties, such a quantitative increase is particularly frequent, in a use that configures what some preceptists call abusive plurals. The reasoning is this: psychic powers - such as intelligence, imagination, talent, will, memory, energy, emotion, attention, enthusiasm, etc. -, used in their individual sense, must be expressed in the singular, since each man possesses and exercises only one of each class.
Therefore, when saying:
... he is a professor of extraordinary talents
we use an abusive plural, since "talents" has no real meaning. The same happens when someone expresses:
... I will put all my enthusiasm in the faithful performance ...
"Which is," says Mariano de Cavia, "as if you put all your noses where they cook or as if you offered me all your friends. Your friends are your friends, but you have only one friendship, which can
In common usage, modernly certain abstract plurals are used, accepted by custom, in formulas that designate passions, states, jobs, or special ethical conditions. For example, expressions like these are common:
His tastes were very delicate. He suffered deadly anguish. He went without stress or rush. That was an exaltation of tenderness. He saw horrors in the background. He suffers from lovesickness. He conducts studies on the subject. Your efforts are well on track.
For the editors, this advice of prudence: it is advisable to use these unreal plurals with caution, because as well as the custom accepts some and others sometimes reinforce the concepts, many times it falls into useless or ridiculous bombast, due to its use indiscriminate.