Poetry Example: The Dominant Accent
Drafting / / July 04, 2021
It is one of the essential elements of the verse. Poetry, like any art, follows a set of rules authorized by use; However, the modern versifying artist dispenses with the traditional normative at his discretion. The verse does not change of measure, when the final word is serious; but if it is acute, one more syllable is counted; and if it is esdrújula, a syllable less is counted.
The bride is pale... (Of eight syllables) '
The musical aviary... (Nine syllables)
This is how life should feel... (Of eleven syllables)
On the ridiculous sea with wings crossed... (Of fourteen syllables)
(Verses culled from compositions by José Juan Tablada) The accent gives the verse its musical quality: it makes it pleasant to the ear.
a) Italian. Type of verse with accentuation in the sixth and tenth syllables.
Example: las pa / lo / mas ofcul / tas / en / la / fron / áa. ..
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b) Sapphic or improper. Type of verse that is stressed in the fourth, eighth and tenth syllables. It is called Sapphic because its invention is attributed to the Greek poet Sappho.
Example: En / el a / 6ü / mo / del / do / lor / pe / ne / tro.. .
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(González Martínez)
c) Anapestic. Verse type with stress on the first, fourth, seventh and tenth syllables.
Example: Can / tan / los ni / ños / can / 'ció /' nes / a // «/ gres ...
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