Synopsis All The President's Men
Movie Theater / / July 04, 2021
The case of the "Watergate Scandal" is one of the most controversial episodes in the history of the United States, since the seriousness of the events led to the resignation of the one who at that time was his president, Richard Nixon, being the first and until now the only president who has resigned from his position in that country.
This film tells the story of journalists: Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodword, who worked at the Washington Post, and were characters key in the discovery of all the illicit acts carried out by men belonging to the “Committee for the reelection of the President (Richard Nixon) ”.
The investigation began as a result of the raid on "The headquarters of the Democratic Committee" by five men, who They were arrested and brought to trial, Bernstein and Woodward became interested in the case when they saw that important lawyers were participating in the case; They began looking for information on the subject, attending the trial that was taking place against the burglars, they continued to collect all possible information by interviewing different people who were directly or indirectly involved with the case, but it was not until they received the help of an anonymous informant who called himself “Garganta Profunda ”, which managed to collect the most important data of the investigation, then they took on the task of selecting and classifying the information, in order to organize it and summarize it, that way they were able to store the information and analyze it to ensure that it met the requirements: Synthesize a truth and offer information from news, in order to publish it, and that is how the Washington Post dropped the bomb, informing the entire country of: thefts, fraud, espionage and sabotage, carried out by the president's men ”.
This case is a clear example of how relevant the application of informative documentation can be in journalistic investigation, since when everything is published that these journalists had discovered, the social and political impact that it caused, brought far-reaching consequences that ended in the resignation of President Richard Nixon.