Sample Change of Administration Letter
Cards / / July 04, 2021
Is letter ofchange of administration is made with the purpose of informing whoever corresponds or a specific person, the change of administration, either of a company or of a simple premises, and is usually presented after a transfer contract, assignment of rights or sale of some piece of furniture or property.
Example of a management change letter:
Affair: Administration change consent
Mexico DF. as of August 11, 2012
To whom it may concern:
Hereby, I, Francisco Montero Sánchez, present proof of the company “Computaciones del norte S.A. de C.V ”, in favor of "DistribuidoresPhinmex S.A de C.V", by means of a domain transfer contract executed on August 7, 2012, and of which I have been duly notified.
The property and domain mentioned above, are in a property and accessory, which are my property, and is located in Av. Presidente Mateo number 126, delegation Iztacalco México district Federal.
As a result of this transfer of ownership, I have agreed to transfer the obligations for the concept of lease of commercial premises and payment of contributions in favor of “DistribuidoresPhinmex S.A de C.V "; A circumstance that will be valid until the settlement of the private contract signed between the parties that transferred the domain, which will be 5 years.
For this purpose, a new contract will be signed with the representatives of "DistribuidoresPhinmex S.A de C.V", Mr. José Luís Forlan González and Lic. Adriana Fonseca Ramírez.
This document is fully available so that the parties can carry out the procedures that best suit them.
Francisco Montero Sánchez
Remember that you can request samples.