Sample Letter of Acknowledgment for Seniority
Cards / / July 04, 2021
The recognition letter for seniority It is a document that is written for the benefit of a person who has been working in a company for many years.
This type of letter is drawn up by the company in which you work on behalf of the people who perform some work or work of any kind. It is used as a sheet of recognition to join the corresponding social security or for any procedure that the beneficiary agrees.
It is also used as an example of the merits achieved to request a promotion at work, as a letter of recommendation, or to congratulate someone for the time they have been working in the company and for the excellent work that he has done during his stay in it.
The acknowledgement letter It has a simple structure and can be issued by a legal representative (Lawyer) or the superior who is empowered to do so, in accordance with the corresponding local laws and the policies of the employer.
Example 1:
Felipe Alberto Calderón Rodríguez.
Chief in charge of personnel.
Restaurants La Famosa S.A.
Gen. Felipe Angeles 265,
Cabbage. Rivero C.P. 97503
Huichapan. Hgo. Mex.
Tuesday 23 August 2011.
Juana Ceferina Pérez López.
Acamapichtli no. 137
Cabbage. Potilla C.P. 97520
Huichapan. Hgo. Mex.
To whom it may concern:
Hereby, I, Felipe Alberto Calderón Rodríguez. Chief of staff of the Restaurant "La Famosa" Huichapan branch. Hgo. Mex. I certify that Mrs. Juana Ceferina Pérez López, who has the R.F.C JCPL2156 and has her social security number 56452656cfi, is currently Chief kitchen, and she has been working in this position since July 10, 2011, raising her salary to an amount of 7,000.00 (SEVENEMIL PESOS M / N) that she receives fortnightly.
Ms. Juana Ceferina Pérez López is hereby authorized to make use of this document in the way that suits her best.
Felipe Alberto Calderón Rodríguez.
Chief of staff of "La Famosa" S.A.
Example 2:
México, D.F., December 5, 2009.
Lic. Arturo Sánchez Heredia
Systems Director
We hereby write to you, informing you that after having reviewed your work in a period of 18 years, its performance has been exceptional, the margin of errors is almost nil, this greatly benefiting our business.
You are an example for all our workers, and this is why a more formal recognition will be held in the boardroom. next Friday, in order to encourage their attitude to the rest of our workers and thereby improve their work and performance.
Without further ado for the moment we say goodbye and send a cordial greeting.
Lic. Alicia Robles Estrada