Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2008
A laboratory is a physical place that is specially equipped with various instruments and measuring elements or equipment, in order to satisfy the demands and needs of experiments or various investigations, according to the field to which the laboratory in question belongs, of course. It is also very common for schools, universities or any other academic stronghold to have a laboratory in which practical classes or other works related exclusively to one end will be given educational.
The fundamental characteristic that any laboratory will observe is that there the environmental conditions will be especially controlled and standardized with the strict purpose that no external agent can cause any type of alteration or imbalance on the investigation that takes place there, thus ensuring comprehensive fidelity in terms of results. The temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, the Energy, dust, dirt, vibrations, noise, among others, are the issues on which most emphasis is placed will do, so that they are absolutely controlled and do not contradict the necessary and required normality of which we talked.
There is an important diversity of laboratories, among the most prominent are: the clinical laboratory, which is one in which clinical analyzes are carried out with the goal of prevention, the diagnosis and the treatment of diseases. Then there are those oriented to the study and discovery of some type of scientific evidence such as biological and chemical ones.
In addition, each laboratory and depending on the type of purpose that stimulates it, must have specific material, which can be made of glass, porcelain, wood, such as test tubes, spatulas, lighters, teaspoons, tweezers, ampoules and tubes from test, among others.
The evolution and sophistication that most laboratories have achieved in recent years has to do with the growing concern of the human being to find different options or alternatives To alleviate the conditions that abound and abound in humanity, but of course, they require machinery and material that is more developed every day to advance always and every day one step more.