Sample Economic Solvency Letter
Cards / / July 04, 2021
A letter of financial solvency is a letter with which we certify that we have economic resources to support a stay, either abroad or for a school.
The letter can prove own income or resources, or that will be provided to us by our parents, sponsor or guarantor.
Many embassies ask for a letter of financial solvency, for a certain amount (75 euros for England or 120 dollars for the United States, for example), as a requirement to be able to grant a visa.
Letter of economic solvency:
In ________, on __ of ____________ of _____
Mr. Ambassador of
I hereby certify that the undersigned ________________________, I will make a trip to your country, for which I request a visa for (Time that the trip will last).
In order to be granted this visa, I come to demonstrate my financial solvency to comfortably cover the expenses minimum requirements to grant this document, for which I am enclosing the following documents:
Proof of income from work.
Letter of Income from own business
Bank statement: ________________
The above for due record.
(Subscriber's name and signature)