Sample Letter Using Punctuation Marks
Cards / / July 04, 2021
A letter is a document that is used to maintain written communication between the sender, who is the sender, and the recipient, who is the recipient.
The letter can be of a formal and informal style and the data carried by either of these two types are the following:
Header: place and date, name and address of whom it is addressed.
Greeting: formal or informal depending on the case.
Text: development of the topic in question.
Farewell: courtesy with which the letter ends.
Signature: name and signature of the sender.
The punctuation marks are orthographic signs that serve to indicate a pause within the sentence, these are the period, comma, semicolon, colon, quotation marks or parentheses.
Punctuation marks are also used to give a better understanding of the text, as is the case with exclamation marks or question marks.
A letter where punctuation marks are used It is a document that can be understood more easily, since by making pauses and expressions of admiration or questions clear, the intention of the text is more easily understood.
Example of a letter where punctuation marks are used:
Cuernavaca, Morelos, November 23, 2012.
Dear Madam. Lourdes Ramos:
I hereby communicate with you to let you know that I have received several complaints from neighbors who are very upset by the situation that has been occurring with respect to the dogs that you have as pets.
Neighbors report that they bark a lot at night and have noticed that you let them out at common areas of the condominium to relieve themselves, when that "is strictly prohibited in the regulation local".
It is for this reason that I kindly request that you avoid taking your pets to relieve themselves in the common area.
On the other hand, I take the opportunity to ask you when will you make the payment of the maintenance fees that you have due? That amount to the amount of $ 4500.00 (four thousand five hundred pesos). Remember that the monthly fee is paid the first 5 days of the month.
I hope you can catch up as soon as possible, otherwise you will no longer have the benefits of being up to date.
Regards and have a great week!
Isabel Cisneros Ponce
Condominium Administration