Sample Letter To New Officials
Cards / / July 04, 2021
The carats to the new officials they are the letters that are delivered or sent to new officials who receive their appointment or election.
A letter to a new official is a kind of welcome, and can be given to officials whether they are in the field business and government or school or ecclesiastical, since its nature can cover almost all parameters possible.
These letters are a combination of a letter of congratulations, a letter of welcome and introduction, although it can also be an offer of services.
This letter has been made based on the formal letter and its structure is simple or straightforward.
Example of a congratulatory letter to new officials:
Outsorsing’s Lógicos S.A de C.V
July 12, 2014
C. Secretary Lic. Juan Ponce Tellez.
Hereby, I am Luis Felipe Collo Ameno, representing “Outsorsing’s Lógicos S.A de C.V” and as president of the same, I present our congratulations on his new position as Secretary of Commerce and Welfare, in the government of this town.
We will be at the inauguration of him on July 15, to support him and present our respect and gratitude.
We hope that its management will bear full fruit for all citizens, companies and society in general, and we reiterate our congratulations on his appointment.
“Outsorsing’s Lógicos S.A de C.V”,
Pdte. Luis Felipe Collo Ameno
Example of a welcome letter to an official:
Colegio María inmaculada S.C
Dear teacher María Elena Gallardo Perea, we give you the most pleasant welcome to the teachers' union and to your practice within this school. It is a great opportunity for you to develop your knowledge and help expand the knowledge of our students.
We hope that your experience helps and motivates students for the good of their education and the good of our school.
Prof. Ana Luisa Rodríguez L.
Example of letter to official by appointment:
Santa Asunción Parish
March 29, 2015
C. Presbyter Valentín Ugalde Montes
We communicate our pleasure at the new appointment of him as the new parish priest of the Church of the Holy Assumption, so we hope that he enters his functions shortly and as the flock of this town assist you and take it into consideration for the celebrations of Holy Week, next to be celebrated.
The people of San Vicente Chochotepec eagerly await you
Abelardo Torres Pérez
Example of letter format to new official:
National Institutional Party
Mexico City, March 30, 2015
C Lic. Ernesto Vargas Velazquez
The bank of the PIN of H. Congress of the Union informs you of the pleasure and welcome as a new multi-member congressman, in charge of the bench of our party, we are sure that together we will achieve changes and proposals that are very useful for society and life public.
Chairman of the bench
Luis Perez Bancaller