Sample Reminder Letter
Cards / / July 04, 2021
A reminder letter or reminder can be sent one or more times, depending on the case, as there are reminder letters that inform something that is pending, and letters of remembrance, that remind a person who made some achievement or remembers the death of him.
But there is a variant that focuses on reminding the consumer of the brand or service provided by an institution or product in order to remain positioned at the top of the market.
Example 1:
Newspaper: "The Big Day"
Luís Pasteur 315 Cabbage palms
Monterrey N.L. Mex
C.P. 98745
Mr. González:
Dear Mr. Roberto Gonzáles Arriaga, hereby we remind you that his subscription to the newspaper "El Gran Día" has a duration of one year, and it will expire in two months; This is why we invite you to renew your subscription for one more year, and acknowledging the constancy and the years that he has with us we inform him that he can have a reduction of 5% in his new subscription.
We await his prompt response and we appreciate his preference.
Juan Gutiérrez Mesa.
Sales department
Example 2:
Tin tan admirers. A.C.
Escondida Street. No. 23
Col Maravillas Del. Cuahutemoc
Mexico DF. C.P. 068264
To the general public:
With this letter of remembrance, we recall the great comic actor Tin Tan, who is soon to celebrate his mourning anniversary.
We look forward to his attendance at the city's main square, all dressed in the Pachuco style, in order to remember his great work for humor and for society.
Without further ado, I thank you for your attention and we look forward to seeing you.
Julio Romero Plata.
President of the Fan Club.
Example 3:
Banco Hipotecario S.A de C.V.B.
Stampede Street. No. 423
Cabbage. white Mount
Guzman City
Mexico state
C.P. 068264
To the general public:
We remind you of the great service we provide, with a higher interest rate than our competitors.
In our field, we are the ones who give you the most for your home, with payment facilities and adjustments.
We appreciate your preference and recommend our services to the general public.
Eugenio Plata Hurtado.
General Manager.