Documentary File Example
Science / / July 04, 2021
The document filel is a card very similar to the bibliographic card, but this card deals with documents, and includes information such as the main ideas and the location of the file.
This type of card can be made on paper, but it has generally been done on a computer, although it has the basic structure of the printable card.
The data that it must or may contain are:
- Name or names of the authors, promoters or recipients.
- Record number
- File number, order or general registry
- Instance or institution in charge
- Signature of the person or persons responsible (only in the printed version).
Example of documentary file:
Documentary file
Number 23
Name: Javier López Gonzales
File 562 / 56-1
Loan requested by Mr. Javier López Gonzales, to finance his company of embroidery and marking of uniforms. The property located in Montecarlo Street # 34 Colonia Pluma Roja has been put as a guarantee
Subject: bank loan.
Kept in file number 456, room 3 of the vault of the Col. branch. cemetery.