Example of Quotes
Science / / July 04, 2021
The verbatim quotes They are used to give credit to the author or authors of a text. When we write a school work or even a delivery for our work, it is necessary to consult sources that give us data or information that supports everything we affirm.
There are two ways to put this information:
- Paraphrase: A paraphrase consists of a person reading the text written by another, and, in his own words, rewriting this information in his own document.
- Verbatim quote: When using the verbatim quote, the exact same words of the author are placed in the new text, it is as if the author is speaking with his own voice.
In both cases it is essential to give credit to the author. To place verbatim citations or paraphrases within a text, it is necessary to use standardized rules. One of the most used is that of the American Phycological Association, this is known as the APA format.
The APA format
When it comes to just one paraphrase and not a verbatim quote, APA only requires the original author's last name, and the year the text was published.
On the other hand, when what is being used is a textual citation of less than 40 words, it is necessary to place the text in quotation marks (""), and then indicate the author's last name and the year, if it is a book, it is mandatory to also place the page number.
Finally, when it comes to a quote of more than 40 wordsIt is also necessary to place the author's last name and the year, however, this time it is placed without quotation marks; It is necessary to pass a space and place the entire quote in a separate paragraph, and center it, this to distinguish the quote from the rest of the text.
The references
You need to make a clear distinction between citations and references. The citations are those that were explained before, that is, the information obtained from the text made by another author, the references, is the list of books, articles, web pages, magazines, etc., that were consulted to make our own text (it could be a school essay, for example).
The references serve so that when a person reads our text and is interested in some information or data in particular, he can also review the original source. For this reason, it is essential to list each and every one of the sources that were consulted and place them in alphabetical order, in this way it will be easier for the reader to locate that reference of interest to him.
All APA-specific standards appear in the so-called APA Manual. Whenever some work is going to be carried out, it is necessary to consult it, and ensure that it is the newest version, since APA is constantly making updates.
APA offers specific guidelines for placing citations of less than 40 words, of more than 40 words, and of paraphrases. On the other hand, it also indicates in detail how to place the references at the end of the text.
The way of placing the references will change depending on the type of source that is being consulted (if it is a book, a magazine, a web page, a movie, etc.).
Below are some dating examples.
5 examples of paraphrase quotes:
Within the children's segment, the Walt Disney Company enjoys a degree of legitimacy within families, thanks to the image of innocence that it has always managed (Giroux, 2001).
This way of collecting information will also be useful to know what is the type of female representation that causes greater identification on the part of the small spectators, since, as mentioned before, over the years, the way in which women are presented in the films of Princesses, has been advancing (Rothschild, 2009).
However, during and after World War II, animated cinema began to be considered too frivolous, reason for which the decision was made to change ideology and produce content for children (Digón, 2006).
During this period, films were produced that were not very successful at the box office and some projects that later would be very successful were rejected, such as ET: The Extra Terrestrial (Wasko, 2001).
As you can see, Eisner started as CEO of the Corporation, when it was in decline, and managed to obtain historic benefits thanks to the implementation of the aforementioned policies, aggressive advertising campaigns, and licensing aimed at the commodification of culture childish. Likewise, it turned the Disney Company into an entertainment giant with the acquisition of Capital Cities / ABC, in 1995 (Giroux, 2001).
5 examples of verbatim quotes with less than 40 words:
“Hollywood, video games and other forms of entertainment bombard children with increasingly aggressive violence, but while Disney movies do not encourage Violence, which has become a nuclear aspect for many other forms of mass culture, transmit cultural and social messages that must be analyzed ”(Giroux, 2001, p. 93).
“One of the most visible examples of this growth can be seen in the growing role that the Disney Company plays in shaping popular culture in daily life in the United States and abroad ”(Giroux, 2001, p. 35).
“As there is no mother to get in the way, there are no problems in showing the world of the greats as perverse and clumsy and thus prepare to be replaced by the little ones who lift up adult values ”(Dorfman and Mattelart, 1993, p. 52).
Pocahontas is a brunette supermodel similar to Barbie, with an hourglass body ”(Giroux, 2000, p. 74).
"Mulan becomes the exotic version of any American girl who manages to catch the most attractive boy in the neighborhood, square jaw included" (Giroux, 2001, p. 111).
5 examples of verbatim quotes with more than 40 words:
Respect for authority, social hierarchy, the central role of the traditional nuclear family, the reinforcement of racial differences and inequality of class, the defense of consumerism, patriotism and democracy understood as individual freedom to choose between different consumer products (Digón, 2006, p. 164).
The female characters are built into narrowly defined gender roles. All the female characters in these films are subordinate to the male characters and define their power and his desires almost exclusively in terms of the dominant male narratives (Giroux, 2000, p. 106-107).
Fiction is everything that is not real. In this sense, the science fiction genre is just a manifestation of fiction. They are also fiction, among others: the melodrama, the adventure genre and the police genre. Within the genres that are part of the field of the screenwriter, the only genre that is not fiction is the informational genre, the which encompasses all audiovisual work that deals directly with reality and objectivity (Cervantes and Maza, 1994, p. 20).
If we raise the question to the audience's interpretation of the messages, we are already rejecting the premise that the media are institutions whose messages automatically have an effect on us, their audiences... that is, raise our activity, in our bedrooms, watching television, as an active process of decoding and interpreting and not simply as a passive process of reception or consumption of messages. In order for us as an audience to be able to make sense of the sights and sounds that we see and hear, we have to be engaged in active work of interpretation. (Morley, 1992, p. 76)
Women appear to be more interested in relationships between members of the Ewing family and love complications in Dallas, and were much less responsive to relationships and complications related to business, to the cowboy elements present in history and to issues related to wealth and power... for men it is exactly the opposite (Ang, 1982, p. 118).
Examples of references at the end of the text:
Acuff, D. and Reiher, R. (1997). What kids buy and why. New York: The Free Press.
Albert, R. S. (1957). The role of mass media and the effect of aggressive film content upon children's aggressive responses and identification choices. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 55, 221-285.
Allen, R. (1987). Channels of discourse. Television and contemporary criticism. North Carolina: Carolina Press.
Ambjörnsson, F. and Ganetz, H. Introduction: Feminist Cultural Studies, Journal of Current Cultural Research, 5, 127-131.
Amott, T. And Matthaei, J. (1996). Race, Gender, and Work: A Multi-Cultural Economic History of Women in the United States. New York: South End Press.
Ang, I. (1985). Watching Dallas: Soap opera and the melodramatic imagination. London: Routledge.
Arroyo, M. (2009). Stages and most significant moments in the development of the child according to Piaget and Freud. Enfoques Educativos, 48, 4-12 [Electronic resource]. Available in: https://www.enfoqueseducativos.es/enfoques/enfoques_48.pdf
Averbach, M. (2003). The latest animated films of the Disney company: change of attitude? In P. Pozzi, Imperial Footprints (pp. 543-551). Buenos Aires: Imago Mundi.
Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Bandura, A. and Huston, A. (1961). Identification as a process of incidental learning. Journal of abnormal and social psychology, 63, 311-318.
Barkan, S and Bryjak, J. (2011). Fundamentals of Criminal Justice: A Sociological View. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Box Office Mojo (2013). Retrieved on May 2, 2013 from https://www.boxofficemojo.com
INEGI (2001). National survey of urban employment. Retrieved April 30, 2014 from www.inegi.org.mx/inegi/contenidos/.../cp_29.doc
MPAA. (2014). Retrieved on February 13, 2014 from MPAA: www.mpaa.org
UN. (2014). International Women´s Day 2014. Retrieved on April 29, 2014 from https://www.un.org/womenwatch/feature/iwd/
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