Content Tab Example
Science / / July 04, 2021
A token of contents, it is a file that allows gathering varied information, it can be on any subject and are usually numbered. Its use is mainly academic, but it can be used in other areas.
The objective is to specify the topic that is being discussed.
A content sheet can contain:
- Reference
- Date
- Content and
- Date
- Number
Example 1 content card of a book:
"Analytic geometry"
By ‘Gordon Fuller’
The straight line and the circle
'The equation of every line can be expressed in terms of the first degree. Reciprocally the graph of a first degree equation is a line ’
Number 018
August 31, 2012
Example 2 content sheet of a class:
"Civil law"
Faculty of Law "UAN".
Prof. Gerardo Mendieta Corral.
Succession law
In the succession, whether testamentary or in-testamentary, as well as the trial must be carried out in the place where the last one was found. and official domicile and in case of payment of alimony, those who have not wanted to provide them will be excluded, remaining as an act of infamy
Class of August 31, 2012.
Tab number 415
Example 3 Content tab in a job:
Merchandise reception area
Electronic recharge line
The open code for electronic recharge for telephony will be "NEUFERVO233", applicable to all heads of sector who have their terminal billed and who manage the transport and delivery personnel.
Session of May 26, 2015
File Number 57
Example 4 Study content sheet:
"Accounting 1"
The ledger
The general ledger is where the largest expenses are exposed as well as the final entries and exits.
Although the ledger was made on sheets of paper or notebooks called books, currently it is done on an Excel sheet or spreadsheet.
It is automated and anyone can fill in the fields.
Accounting Faculty
File number 89
Example 5 Notes content sheet:
"Law and inheritance"
In Mexico, the succession is carried out in the place where the decujus died, which means that all his assets are are found outside the federal entity are sued and it is resolved in the town where he died and especially if there was his address.
Law School
File 533 sequences
Example 6 Business content tab:
"Shareholders meeting"
In the session of May 25, 2015, it was decided to open bank accounts for the disposal of capital by the section heads, which allows speeding up purchase movements.
All expenses will be centralized in a period of no less than three months, which will increase the rigor of internal audits.
Shareholders session
Tab 95
Example 7 file content sheet:
Judgment 458 / 2015-1
The file is in the filing drawer marked number 25 on the second floor.
The lawyer in charge is Li Raúl Flores Padilla and will be assisted by the intern Luis Doroteo Gutiérrez Nájera.
It is the succession of the assets of Mrs. López Garrido who has a will.
Ramírez y Asociados S.C
File 1025
Example 8 repair content tab:
Dell Inspiron CPU Repair:
The processor capacitors are inflated, which causes slowness in the work of the processor. computer, they were replaced and it worked perfectly fine, a review of the temperature.
The motherboard is model 4587GNS
Compureyes-servicio S.A de C.V
File 456
Example 9 print test content tab:
ML 1610 Printer
The cartridge drum was changed and it continued to print faintly, it was by changing the blade that the printing was homogenized, this is one of the most common failures of this device.
Replacing the blade can make the toner cartridge work again.
Compureyes-servicio S.A de C.V
File 457
Example 10 Account statement content tab
Account 4123587889
Owner of the account Mr. Ignacio Carrillo Contreras, who has been contributing to his account a total of 3,000.00 pesos per month, and by never having a lower balance, he has maintained an average balance of 50,000.00 pesos.
Bancoraro S.A de C.B.V
File 15689
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