Definition of Room Maid
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2016
In the hotel sector, one of the most common professional activities is that of a room camera. Her name is feminine because traditionally her functions are performed by women. Regarding the tasks that are carried out, the most common are the following: cleaning and ordering the clients' rooms, make the bed and replace the bed and bath linens and clean the areas common of establishment.
Aspects of work organization
What rule Generally, the chambermaids receive first thing in the morning a list with the rooms that they must prepare and with all the tasks that they have to carry out. This information is provided by the ruler, who is responsible for organizing the tasks of cleaning on the different floors of the hotel.
To access the room occupied by a client the chambermaid has a master key that gives her access.
In order for their work to be carried out effectively, most establishments have studied which cleaning system is the most convenient (in this sense, the time taken to clean a room is very important from a point of view organizational).
In most establishments, customers leave their room before 12 o'clock, so the chambermaid has to prepare the room ahead of time so that a new client can occupy
For your activity to be carried out in an organized manner, there must be a correct coordination between Department receptionist and housekeeper (receptionists must communicate the entrances and exits of clients so that the governess distributes the work among the waitresses).
The floor camera uses a control sheet of its activity, in which it has to reflect a series of data: number of rooms prepared, damages in the rooms, objects forgotten by the client, needs for replacement of material and possible incidents. When your journey labor ends, you have to provide all this information to the governor so that she can adopt the appropriate measures (for example, communicate to the maintenance that something is not working properly in a room).
Occupational hazards
This profession is associated with intense physical work. Keep in mind that cleaning and preparing 10, 15 or more rooms in a working day involves considerable physical wear and tear. The part of the body that suffers the most over time is the back, since bending over to do a bed causes wear and tear on the lower back that can cause intense pain and even chronic injuries
Photos: Fotolia - Kalim / kolotype
Themes in Room Waitress