Sample Study Sheets
Science / / July 04, 2021
The study cards are the cards that contain a synthesis of the information what is needed for a certain study, research, job or project; containing a small summary of the book or type of document, which is of interest for the work to be carried out; It may contain short citations of the books or texts to which it belongs, these citations being in quotation marks and indicating books, volumes, page number, of the document to which the file belongs. Or containing, where appropriate, the data concerning the material to which they refer, as in the case of a filmographic material, slides, or audio. Integrating in the same file, the location data of the material, (library, film library, audio-teak, section, shelf, etc.).
Study sheets for preschool and primary school students they have a small amount of information, arranged in a simple way and easy for children to understand, accompanied by images for a better understanding of the content by children.
Elements of the study sheet:
- Title that explains the subject of the card to study.
- Topic covered in the file.
- Type of subject to which the card refers.
- Resume.
In the case that the study is made of a text:
- The name of the publication is quoted.
- Cite the volume (if it exists).
- Number of pages in which the information to which the study refers is found.
- Cite the publisher and the edition number, year etc.
- Summary of the topic studied.
- Decimal notation.
In case of being multimedia material:
- The location of the document, or material from which the information for the record was obtained, is given.
- Hour, minute, second, where the information is found, contained in the file.
- Date of issue
In a filmographic material study file, which contains a summary or description of the content of the material, the file contains The data concerning the author of the film, edition, place where it was made, name of the company or institution that made the film, is given a physical description of the material, mentioning whether it is in color, or black and white, with or without audio, and a physical description of the material in question.
Example of study sheet:
Art study file.
Greek art
Greek art history
Material title:
European art history.
I take:
Episode 1. Greek art.
Company or institution:
DUMONT / NHK Studies (in collaboration).
Year. 1989.
Changes in Greek art over the centuries
“This episode describes the changes that have occurred in Greek art, from its archaic beginnings, through classicism (or classical art) to Hellenistic art.
Observing the changes in the forms, first rough and rigid, then graceful, with a sensation of movement, taking care of harmony in sculpture, architecture and painting.
Subsequently, the changes made after the emergence of Hellenism, which merged classical Greek art, with the art of the peoples, are described. conquered by Alexander the Great, an art in which changes such as the exaggeration of the proportions in sculpture, and the exquisite detail in goldsmith. "