Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2017
Most religions are based on a text sacred and from it a series of teachings are extracted that serve as an ethical and spiritual reference for its followers. In Judaism, the book Sacred is the Torah and the set of norms and laws that should serve as a guide are known by the word halacha.
This word comes from the Hebrew, specifically from the term Heh-Lamed-Kaf, which is normally translated as journey or path.
In other words, the halacha indicates what should be the correct path to follow in order to lead an existence according to the precepts of the Torah, both the written and oral Torah. This set of laws is valid for all Jewish communities, which includes the Sephardi, Ashkenazim and Yemenites. In practice, halacha constitutes the ethical model that serves as a reference to any practitioner of the Jewish religion.
The system of ethical norms of halacha
Halacha has an ethical foundation: that our intentions become true moral acts. This implies that the halacha system serves as a guide to differentiate good from evil. In this sense, some of the guidelines to follow are the following:
- The kids they must be circumcised on the eighth day and the ceremony of this act is known as Brit Milah or pact of circumcision.
- In all things the believer must try to find a balanced position.
- The good Jew must know and respect the Torah.
- The I respect towards God is expressed through the act symbolic to cover the head, either with a hat, a kippah or a kufi.
- The Jewish faith is experienced within a community.
- The attitude towards God should be of the utmost respect.
- In the human relations any conduct abusive or disrespectful.
- Holidays, dietary laws and Shabbat are fundamental aspects that must be respected.
The above commandments are an example of the spiritual and moral obligations that serve as a reference in Judaism and each of the commandments and norms are known by the word mitzvah.
Jewish ethics
The Jewish religion has a approach demanding regarding ethical conduct. In this sense, the man who complies with halacha is considered virtuous. In the approach to Jewish ethics, human beings are born with freedom and can choose between the right and wrong path.
Sinful behavior is especially serious if someone commits a sin entirely on purpose, and, logically, the sin is less serious if it is committed through negligence or ignorance. The principles of Jewish ethics require a close bond between men and God.
Photos: Fotolia - Tomertu / Anneke
Themes in Halajá