Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Nov. 2010
It is known by the name of padding to all those elements that are soft both in their essential condition and because they have a specifically selected filling. The term padding can be used as a noun (when a type of object is being mentioned) or also as an adjective (in case that condition is applied to an object). Usually, in the use of the language Every day, the word padding refers to a type of blanket that is used for the bed and that, due to its filling, covers much more from the cold.
The dictionary defines the word padding as an element that is basically characterized by being soft. Thus, in nature we can say that the I usually is padded if the vegetation it is abundant and fluffy. This type of surface is very characteristic of certain types of biomes in which the flora arises on the entire surface of the soil. In addition, some spaces that have a layer of soft vegetation that has fallen due to entering the summer season can also be called that. fall or spring when the leaves of the plants change.
However, the most common use of the word padding is the one mentioned above. Quilting is normally understood as one of the warmest pieces of bedding. This piece is made up of two fabrics sewn together and filled with different soft and fluffy elements, usually cotton. By having this intermediate layer of padding, the padding protects much more from the cold than any other blanket, sheet or item that you may have. Also due to its thickness, the padding is usually placed on top of everything and therefore has many striking designs and colors to give a style more interesting to bed. Its washing must be very careful since if it were subjected to heat it would be damaged very quickly.
Quilting Topics