Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
The classroom is the space where the teaching process takes place.learning formal, regardless of the academic level or the knowledge imparted in each of them. The classroom is generally a room of variable dimensions that must have enough space to house the subjects involved in the aforementioned process: the teacher and the students. This space normally consists of an area for the work of the educator and a larger area where the students work in the most comfortable way possible in order to obtain the best results.
The implementation of the classroom as an essential space for the development of the teaching-learning process took place especially in the 19th century, at which time the education It ceased to be in the hands of a few and slowly began to spread to all sectors of society, thus creating schools and educational institutions of various kinds. The classrooms are then rooms or rooms of a institution higher in which a specifically determined group of students attends the teacher's class, This situation can be repeated at all school levels from initial to high school. academic. In some cases, certain educational disciplines require specific spaces, such as classrooms.
computing, from music, from physical education, languages or laboratories.For the teaching-learning process to achieve the best results, a classroom must have certain characteristics. In the first place, it is very important that the elements of location for both students and teachers allow spontaneous, comfortable and permanent communication. This is why banks are usually directed towards the area of exposition of the teacher or also arranged in circle, which seeks to promote contact between all members of the classroom. On the other hand, it is also a necessary condition that a classroom has basic amenities for the correct development of activities such as light, cleaning, space, ventilation and temperatures adequate.
Normally, the classroom space implies compliance with certain rules of conduct by all the members of the same. These rules of conduct seek to generate the best study and work conditions, as well as respect among the individuals present. Each teacher and each classroom space can mean a world apart when it comes to these types of rules.
Classroom Topics