Definition of ecological footprint
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2010
The paw print to dry, is the mark or sign that leaves the foot of man or animal on the earth through which it passes.
Meanwhile, the ecological footprint turns out to be the indicator that expresses the area of territory ecologically productive, pastures, forests, crops, which is needed to produce the resources used and to assimilate the waste produced by a population. In other words, it is an indicator that facilitates the measurement of impact who has a certain way of life on the planet and that also gives us an idea of the bio capacity that holds the same, a key indicator at the behest of sustainability.
The main advantage of the ecological footprint lies in the fact of taking advantage of precisely this skill to make comparisons. For this reason, it can be compared from the emissions that the fact of transporting a good implies with the Energy required for the product in the same scale.
It is worth noting that the calculation of the aforementioned ecological footprint is not simple at all, but on the contrary it turns out to be quite complex and even in some situations, impossible, anyway, there are some estimation methods based on the analysis of the resources that a person consumes and the waste that produces.
The results are based on the observation of the following aspects: number of hectares used to urbanize, generate infrastructures and work centers, hectares that are needed to produce food necessary vegetation, the area needed for pasture to feed livestock, the sea area needed to produce fish, hectares of forest to take over our consumption energetic.
According to the latest surveys, at a global level, the inhabitants of the world are consuming more resources and generating more waste than the planet can admit and generate.
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