Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Sep. 2010
The term agreement has a recurring use in our language and that in almost all its references it implies the agreement or treatment to which several people or parties arrive with respect to a matter. This approval will imply a harmonious situation between the parties, once the aforementioned agreement is signed. Generally, what the agreement does is bring positions that were distant closer together.
Treatment that closes several parts on an issue and that allows them to act together to solve it
In all areas of life in which we interact, it is necessary to make agreements, in the family, on the school, at work, and of course also exist at other levels such as the politics national and international of a state.
It is common for the concept to be used synonymously with treatment and agreement
One of the most widespread uses says that the agreement is the resolution taken by one or more parties in relation to a specific issue. The agreement always implies the common decision of these parties since it does not mean the imposition of one to the other but, on the contrary, the meeting of what brings them together.
It can be formalized before the law or be informal, but we must always respect it so as not to receive a legal or moral sanction
The agreement can take place in a formal way, through laws, contracts, and legal parameters, as well as informally, as when it happens in everyday life, in which, for example, two or more parties mutually agree to fulfill an issue but without mediation. a rule or written paper, only the oral commitment is enough; of course the same because of the way it is produced does not require the assistance of professionals from the right to be established as it does in the previous case.
A case to exemplify it could be the agreement of neighbors to take out the garbage at a certain time and thus not complicate the dirtiness of the building.
The agreement can be understood as a meeting point between the parties that take place on the spot. Although the agreement is normally made between people, it can also be between entities, institutions, countries or regions that represent different interests.
Unlike other types of treaties, the agreement always assumes that both parties are, precisely, in agreement with what is proposed. In some cases, the agreement may be more beneficial for one of the two or more parties but the fact that those who are harmed agree is what gives it entity.
When the agreement takes place in writing and through legal parameters, it is more difficult to undo it and not respect it.
In a sense, this type of agreement can be understood as a contract that has to be respected by the signing parties in any way under penalty of some type of punishment or sanction in the case of not doing so.
However, when we talk about agreements that are established informally and without resorting to legal professionals because the situation does not warrant it (for example, when agrees in a family who washes the dishes on what day), it is much easier to undo such an agreement, not fulfill it, both to put together a new one and to not respect it. In this type of agreement, what counts is the word and honor of a person in her commitment to comply with it, as we indicated above.
Bilateral agreements
In the case that the agreement is between countries, it is spoken in terms of a bilateral agreement. In relation to a specific issue inherent to the economic, political, cultural, labor, among others, a consensus is reached. Then, it will be reflected in a binding document that will give it validity, a duration and will indicate the obligations and duties that it entails. And it almost always brings a benefit to the parties that underwrite it.
Agree: conformity that is given to something or adherence to an opinion
There is a very popular phrase that contains this term: agree, and we usually use it to express agreement on something: "I agree with the dress you chose for this occasion." We also use it when we want to express that we adhere to another opinion.
Government meeting, council of ministers or Senate appointment
On the other hand, the concept has other very local uses, in some Spanish-speaking regions.
You can designate that meeting a authority from government with his immediate collaborators in which joint decisions are made on agenda items.
You can also appoint the council of ministers or the confirmation of an appointment by the legislative power. "There was agreement in the Senate and two new judges of the Supreme Court of Justice were appointed."
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