Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2009
The Antenna is that device that allows the reception and sending of electromagnetic waves to a free space. For example, what a transmitting antenna does is transform voltages into electromagnetic waves and the receiver performs a similar process but in reverse.
There are a variety of antennas that will be determined by the use that is given to them.. Those that should expand as much as they can power radiated, such is the case of mobile phone centrals or a general radio station or those that channel power so as not to interfere with other services.
The antennas are electrically characterized by observing some general conditions such as the diagram from radiation, bandwidth, directivity, gain, the Polarization and beamwidth, among the most important.
Meanwhile, there is three basic types of antennas, the wire, the aperture and the flat.
Those of wire are those whose radiating elements are conductors of wire that show a negligible part with respect to the working wavelength. In the case of aperture antennas, they differ from the previous ones because they use surfaces or openings to direct the electromagnetic beam, in such a way that they concentrate both the emission and the reception of their radiant system in a alone
direction. An example basic of this type is the parabolic antenna, widely used in terrestrial radio links as in those by satellites. And finally, the flat ones, whose peculiarity lies in the fact that they have a synthetic aperture, very typical of radars that also have the synthetic aperture type.On the other hand, to get both a good transmission as a good reception, the type of land over which electromagnetic waves will transit.
For example, a land in which humid land prevails or another in which dry land is abundant, the lakes, seas and if it is urban or rural regions, they will conduct the waves differently electromagnetic.
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