Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2011
Depending on the context in which the word is used aura It has different references in our language.
Parapsychology: light and energetic irradiation that accompanies certain people or beings to wings that are considered as chosen
In the parapsychology, the aura is called luminous and immaterial irradiation that surrounds and accompanies certain beings. According to experts in this field, the aura consists of an energy field that radiates that light that mentioned, surrounding the chosen or special beings, and that is not perceptible in the eyes of most of the people.
The aura would be a representation or composition of the vibrations of a person's soul and presents the ability to reflect the moods or thoughts of the same; It is through the aura that the inner state of a person can be seen.
Of course, like everything that studies or affirms parapsychology, it is subject to an innumerable amount of objections, assumptions and beliefs.
Meanwhile, those who do believe in the aura maintain that it is
divided into seven layers directly linked to seven chakras (According to Hinduism, they are the centers of Energy located on the body).The color that is repeated the most in someone's aura will be considered the basic one of that person and the permanent one throughout life, only capable of being modified by some extraordinary situation. Each basic color will have positive and negative qualities associated with it, the rest of the colors that are glimpsed in the aura will be related to inner states of the person.
Clinical pathology: symptoms that precede a disease
On the other hand, in the clinical pathology, an aura is the picture of phenomena that precede the crisis of a diseaseSuch is the case with epilepsy, asthma, or the common head condition known as migraine with aura.
In many of the cases of those who suffer from this disease, symptoms are raised that anticipate the arrival of the attack, such as asthma, epilepsy, or headaches.
Migraine with aura is a common condition in the population, usually attacks between 15 and 30% of people who suffer from migraine.
It is characterized by presentation symptoms before the headache formally appears, although, we must say that they can manifest during the headache, or at the end of it, anyway, the latter is the least frequent.
Visual and sensitive auras are the most frequent. The first is manifested through flashes of light in the center of the visual field and consists of zigzagging lines that move and grow.
On the other hand, the sensitive aura manifests itself with a tingling in the tips of the fingers of the hand that spreads up the arm, continues along the shoulder and ends at the corner of the mouth and the language.
Accepting someone
Also, aura may want to refer a please, applause or the acceptance general of someone or something.
“Her aura is what has led her to stardom immediately.”
When an artist has a special angel or charisma that leads him to awaken acclamation and Dear absolute audience will say that this artist has a unique aura.
Windy and soft and gentle at the behest of the poetic and Greek Goddess who represents the breeze
And in the field of Poetics, when you talk about aura what you are really referring to is a gentle and gentle wind.
This use comes from the fact that Aura was the name that designated a goddess of the Greek and Roman pantheon, who had to represent the breeze.
It was characterized by its great speedTherefore, the Greek god of wine Dionysus, who was madly in love with her, could never reach her.
Finally Dionisio would achieve his purpose thanks to the help that the goddess Aphrodite brings him.
They drive Aura crazy and she will end up killing one of her children as part of that madness. Finally she makes the decision to commit suicide and is transformed into a fountain.
Carrion bird believed to bode ill
And the term also refers to a bird of American origin, which glides during the day, which has a large size. It is scavenger and rapa, with a short hook-shaped beak, and according to popular beliefs its appearance portends bad luck.
Themes in Aura