Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2019
In a scheme Simplified from zoology the following division of animals is presented: terrestrial, aerial and marine. This sort order is generally valid, but has some exceptions. Seabirds are an exception, since their natural habitat is the air, the land and the aquatic environment.
Although each species has its unique characteristics, there are some common traits
The species that enter this category they normally nest in large colonies. In general, they are migratory birds and their main source of food is obtained from the marine environment. The morphology of its organism has evolved until reaching wings totally adapted for the flight of great distances.
As a general guideline they breed at an older age than other birds, their stage of reproduction It is late, its offspring are less than other birds and the care of its young takes longer. It should be noted, on the other hand, that they are especially long-lived animals and many of them maintain monogamous relationships so that their young can survive with more guarantees.
Finally, most seabirds have a characteristic singular: when they detect a Bank of fish dive on it to capture the pieces with their beaks.
From the human point of view, the presence of seabirds has historically been a reference for fishermen and sailors, since they indicate the proximity of schools of fish.
Examples of seabirds
- The emperor penguin is the largest species of seabird. The back and head is black and its belly is white with yellow markings. With their flat and aerodynamic wings they can swim normally. They live in Antarctica and feed on squid, fish and crustaceans.
- The blue-footed booby inhabits the ocean Pacific near continent American. It has a brown plumage and the neck and head are white. It feeds on small squid and fish.
- The gannet has a white plumage and the ends of the wings with dark tones. It normally lives in large colonies in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Sometimes they feed on the eggs of their young.
- The albatross has a dark plumage, its beak is large and the three toes of its legs are joined by a membrane. Its natural habitat is distributed in the Antarctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It stands out for traveling long distances.
Photo Fotolia: Fredy Thurig
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