Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2012
The word sobriety is a term we use frequently to account for the moderation or the absence of it that shows something, or in his defect, someone in his actions, in his behavior.
Moderation in someone's actions or appearance of something
In this sense, sobriety is linked to an individual with a temperate and calm character, whose behavior ignores scandal and controversy. “ Laura, you must express yourself more soberly in front of strangers. Sobriety has been the key to his success.”
Meanwhile, a person who behaves with moderation and temperance, and this is a salient characteristic of his actions, is called sober.
Positive value that allows managing prudence and avoiding excesses
Without a doubt, most people appreciate sobriety as a positive value because it implies avoiding excesses and manage in a correct and prudent manner in all respects.
This allows us to attribute to each thing the importance it has, for example, not exaggerating with some issues or minimizing others, analyzing them, and giving them a fair and reasonable value.
This value also helps a person to handle himself appropriately in the matter of vices; it is difficult for those who are sober to act out of place, they will know how to manage their finance in a prudent way, he will eat and drink with care and in the right way, he will keep the forms before certain people and situations, dress in a non-strident way that does not attract attention among others.
Absence of garish embellishments
On the other hand, to the lack of adornment, of accessories superficial or shocking, it is also referred to as sobriety.
For many people, especially those who do not like ornate aesthetics or ornamentation, sobriety is synonymous with elegance.
Thus, for these types of individuals, a black outfit will be ideal compared to a fuchsia one.
And the same situation is transferred to interior decoration for example, a environment that is full of furniture made of garish colors and voluptuous carvings and lines will be considered as lacking or absent of sobriety.
Of course, in the aesthetic aspect, sobriety is usually quite subjective, some will like to dress and decorate their house in a classic and simple way and others will do the opposite.
Now, in the specific case of people, in their way of being and think, sobriety is well seen by a large majority, it is a value that stands out as we said above, and in return those who act and think in a way are often frowned upon. rough, abrupt, and as we have already discussed, many times this untimely behavior can have a very negative impact on people's lives, both on a personal level and with regard to to its integration Social.
Person who is not intoxicated
And also the term sobriety is used to express the quality of that person who is not drunk.
In other words, the other side of sobriety in this sense is drunkenness.
When an individual who suffered from acute alcohol dependence and after undergoing treatment can recover of the same and not drinking even a drop of alcohol will speak of the state of sobriety that fortunately is going through.
Alcoholism is one of the scourges that have haunted humans since time immemorial.
The physical dependence that it generates in the addict and also the consequent predisposition to violence When there is no drink that satisfies the addiction, these are the two key issues to control so that the person heals and gets sober.
In most treatments, to combat alcohol addiction, the moment of sobriety is accompanied and guided by individuals who have already gone through the experience and that support the sick to achieve full recovery and sobriety forever.
It is also indispensable the support and containment of family and friends, who help the addicted person at all times to stay away from alcohol and any other agent that tempts them to drink again.
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