Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
The term patent is a term in common use that can have several meanings. The most comprehensive is the one that refers to the authorship that a person, a institution or an entity may have on the creation of a certain item, product or idea. This meaning of the word is what is later found in expressions such as "patenting" an idea or invention. The second most common meaning is the one that serves to indicate those codes that specify an element and differentiate it from other equal ones, as happens, for example, with car patents. They are nothing more than codes of numbers and letters that allow identify to the vehicle over the others.
When we speak of patent according to the first meaning of the concept, we are referring to the system that is legally and officially established in each territory to ensure the authorship of a creation to a certain person. Through this possibility, the person who patents his invention or his idea prevents another person from making use of it later to obtain economic, political or
cultural. Thus, the patent relates purely and exclusively to the idea of property, being able to be the same both material property and intellectual depending on the case.In addition, the word patent is also used to refer to the codes that motorized vehicles carry on their surface. These codes, normally composed of numbers and letters, are granted when the person wants to use their vehicle (since it is not legal for a vehicle to circulate without its license) and they have as target the ID and marking of each vehicle so that this identification can be used in necessary cases (such as the theft of the vehicle, the app fines, the existence of complaints, etc.).
Patent Issues