What do the colors mean?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Our world is full of colorsWe find them everywhere, in nature, in the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the advertisements we see every day.
Pictorial artists, throughout history, have been in charge of studying the phenomenon of colors and the effect they cause when combining with each other, advertisers and creatives, more recently, have gone building the series of characteristics that each color has, the visual and even psychological effect that they cause So what colors they should be used according to the message you want to give.
Butwhat do the colors mean? Why has the psychology of color become so important? Well now we will find out.
In the world there are endless colors, but this time we will talk about the most used, those that represent the basis for any work of art or advertising creation.
YELLOW: its natural association is the sun, which explains why the meaning of this color is radiance, brilliance and energy.
By using this color, it refers to honor and loyalty.
Yellow is a color that immediately calls out the intention and makes people turn to see anything that has this color.
When using it, you must be careful, since using it improperly or excessively can cause the opposite effect and remove people's eyes.
BLUE: its natural association is water and sky, that is why it is the color of hope, growth and life.
The use of this color reflects authority, trust, seriousness, tranquility, purity, cleanliness, health, transparency and constancy.
COFFEE: By nature, it is the color of the earth, it gives a feeling of stability, security, seriousness and protection.
The coffee tone used in an advertising creation must be taken care of, since using the wrong tone or in excess can dirty the image or make it a bit boring.
GREEN: for obvious reasons, it is associated with nature, it is a color that denotes life and therefore fecundity, purity, abundance, solidity, beauty, hygiene and freshness.
BLACK: color that is described as the total absence of color, it does not have natural associations, but it does have them in the market and the society, black dresses and suits are elegant, products in a black package are sophisticated, expensive, denote high quality and prestige.
PINK: It is the color of flowers, sweet, romantic, erotic, feminine and tender, always useful for promoting products designed and aimed at women, as well as to advertise sweet foods such as cakes, cookies and cupcakes.
RED: It is the color of passion, love, sensuality, it is the most striking and penetrating color of all, from dresses to sweets, they will never go unnoticed with this color.
When using it, be careful, since red also denotes alarm and emergency.
WHITE: It is the color of purity, hope, cleanliness, naivety and innocence, a color that contrasted with a stronger one can cause a great visual effect.
PURPLE: Resulting from the combination of deep red with serious and reliable blue, purple is a color that denotes power, ambition, luxury, eccentricity, spirituality and magic.
ORANGE: It is born from the mixture of red and yellow by nature it is associated with the sunset, it denotes joy, creativity, success, is the color, par excellence, of food establishments, as it has a very appetite-stimulating effect powerful.