Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
A type of castle is known as a castle. building of great size that became popular in the Middle Ages and that it would last in the following periods in Europe as a sign of power and wealth of the nobles who built them. The castle can however be found in many other parts of the world, in Asia and America, although with other shapes and designs.
I know esteem that the first castles in the West began to be built in the early Middle Ages, mainly as a means of protection against possible barbarian attacks. In them generally resided the most exalted individuals of the society as nobles, knights or members of royalty and in it different types of political, administrative, religious and religious activities were carried out. ceremonial.
The castle can describe like a great fortress built in stone or other highly resistant material to shocks. While each castle has a design, a particular size and style, some sections can be clearly identifiable, such as the towers (built to obtain a better view of the surroundings), protection walls, separation pits and the central part where the different rooms are place. Many castles also had separate buildings that served as chapels or spaces for religious celebration. In addition, castles generally used to have an internal courtyard that connected the different rooms.
Castles are usually located in rural areas and surrounded by large fields. This has to do with the idea that they were part of the feudal lordship in which the activity agricultural it was the main homework. The castle was then erected as the center of power and protection, headquarters of the most important activities and the home of the wealthiest individuals. To allow the castle to be the most protected space, they used to be built on hills or on high ground, which also allowed for greater control over the area.
Eventually, with the passage of time and the reopening of cities, the great medieval castles would go being abandoned until they became simple monuments of great magnificence to history and culture. Today the vast majority of them are reconditioned for activities related to the tourism.
Castle Themes