Definition of Investigative Journalism
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2015
Reveal issues of concern hidden by the powerful
Journalism is one of the most valued professional tasks as a consequence that its main mission is keep public opinion informed about what is of interest both in their community and in the Exterior.
But also in that task that has many edges and proposals, we must emphasize that there is a part of journalism that is deals with revealing hidden issues to us and that they are precisely kept in this state because they are not correct, because they contradict the law and the moralSuch is the case of corruption, laziness and negligence that persists in some sectors of power.
Meanwhile, it is called Journalism of Investigation to that sector of journalism that is dedicated in a excluding to investigate this type of case, of course, after carrying out the corresponding investigation, make it public through a media massive.
Although all the mass media of today, radio, television, internet, press graph, they carry out this type of journalism, it is more common for it to be carried out in the graphics and on television, there are even television programs dedicated exclusively to journalistic investigation and in each broadcast a new investigation is presented that uncovers an issue hidden.
Then, the fundamental proposal and salient characteristic that this journalism brings us is to bring to light hidden issues that, due to their public implications, affect the citizenship. These things are usually hidden by governments, public authorities and companies as well.
Bring novelty
We must point out that journalism of this type must provide novel information through its investigations, that is, that is, to inform us in depth about an unknown matter and that is capable of capturing the attention of the entire public for its interest.
Corruption, one of the topics most addressed by this journalism
Consider a corrupt official who, after an investigation, discovers that this type of journalism has several undeclared bank accounts in tax havens.
This is a case that, of course, will directly affect the transparency of the government of the participant but also this money that he cannot justify will surely be the direct consequence of bribes, bribes received or misappropriation of public funds, therefore, their actions directly affect citizens who pay them with their taxes officials.