Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2014
The one of prejudice is a term that in our language is used mostly to express the training of a judgment or a concept in someone about a thing but in an anticipated way, that is, the person in question forms an idea or thought ahead of time, prematurely and before, for example, having a real and direct evidence or certainty about it.
Mostly, it is usually accompanied by a criticism, whether positive or negative, regarding a situation or an individual without having sufficient prior information to do so.
It should be noted that prejudice is an extremely common and common issue to be observed in all areas and activities of a community, also, in the various social groups to which we belong, regardless of the age. And the most important thing to note is that in most cases the prejudice is intimately dominated by a behavior or attitude discriminatory that can cause dangerous and harmful effects.
Because when the prejudice that someone has about another individual is negative, they will simply tend to reject it, to object, even if they do not have sufficient elements or information to do so with reasons concrete. Of course this tends to divide people in any society, since when someone spread the word that another is bad that will generate in others an attitude of contagion and also they will reject.
On the other hand, at the request of the pedagogy and with regard to learning significant, the prejudice is that representation that a student has about some aspect of reality and that supposes the kickoff of the learning process for the apprehension of true concepts.
Meanwhile, in science, it is designated as a preconcept to the inclination of the scientific researcher to take for granted prior knowledge about some situation or topic. Such a situation contributes to maintaining the paradigm dominant.
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