Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2012
The word dispense with we use it mostly in two senses, on the one hand to express the omission of something or someone, namely, when you do not have something or someone you talk in terms of dispensing with.
Omit something to someone
“We are going to do without Jorge for next year, the numbers of the company do not close and it is no longer necessary in the same.”
Abstention from what is necessary
We also use the word dispense to refer to the deprivation or abstention from what is deemed necessary. “We cannot do without you in these moments when the work is really a lot, I ask you please to reconsider the idea of resigning.”
Use in the labor field to express that the labor services of an employee will not be needed
From the foregoing, it follows that the word in question is one of the most used in the field of human Resources to indicate or refer when the services of an employee will no longer be needed or no longer wanted, for x reasons.
So it is super frequent to meet the
expression: "We will have to do without their labor services", meanwhile, that decision to no longer have the Someone's work may be due to an economic reason, that is, the company is not in a situation financial loose, caused by various issues, and then an adjustment will have to be made at all levels.Or it may be due to poor performance in assigned duties and tasks.
In the latter case, the responsibility it is one hundred percent of the worker.
Now, in the situation of dismissal of the employee, the employer must compensate him by giving him a compensation.
Compensation in the event of arbitrary dismissal
Its objective is to compensate the worker for leaving him unemployed, without justifying cause, formally calling it compensation for arbitrary dismissal.
The amount of compensation money will be in direct relation to the salary that the worker had assigned and the time that he has been working in the company.
The compensation always consists of hard cash and in those cases in which there is a conflict, either because the employer refuses to give compensation to the dismissed employee, or because there is no agreement on the amount of money, the Justice that will be the one that will intervene in the case and will define in favor of any of the intervening parties.
In any case, the common thing is that if the arbitrariness of the employer was reliably bought, justice will always rule in favor of the employee because the compensation in those cases is a right acquired from the employee.
On the other hand, the worker must be notified of his dismissal at least one month in advance, known as advance notice, in the event of non-compliance With this, it will be considered a serious fault on the part of the employer and then he must be compensated with the payment of the salary that should have been collected in se lapse.
Someone who ceases to be of our esteem or something that is no longer needed or is no longer useful
On the other hand, When an individual no longer turns out to be of our consideration, that is, he loses all our esteem because he has done something bad or negative to us, it is usual that we express it in terms of this word.
Now, it should be noted that We not only do without people but also things, objects, goods.
For example, a machine that has become obsolete because newer ones with better capabilities have appeared will inevitably We have to dispense with the old ones and deal with the new ones that provide us with better working or carrying out conditions. chores.
At present and as a consequence of the constant innovations that occur in the field of technology, it is frequent that the people dispense with personal-use devices on a frequent basis as newer versions are constantly coming out. updated.
Dispensing is a term that presents a variety of synonyms, although, among the ones we use the most, the one of detach and discard, meanwhile, the word that is directly opposed is that of use which refers precisely to offering employment to an individual.
Issues in Dispense