Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, in Dec. 2008
A concept is an abstract entity acquired by the human mind. While building mental, may reflect aspects of reality, although this is not a condition excluding. Concepts are extremely important when it comes to communication human, being the substance to which linguistic signifiers refer. However, not only the signifiers that are part of a language in particular they allude to concepts, but so can other entities.
The capacity for abstraction It is the element that has earned the human race its prominent position within the animal kingdom. This implies the ability to attribute meaning to their various experiences and contact with the environment that surrounds us. A) Yes, This process of meaning is closely linked to the use of ideas that allow us to rationalize what has been experienced.
There were many attempts to give an in-depth account of the particularities that engender this capacity for attribution of meaning.. One of the most recognized is the epistemology
or philosophy of the science. Indeed, to the extent that this discipline allows to account for what is related to the knowledge of man, it must inevitably consider the way in which abstract entities are created that refer to the objective world. However, it is important to point out that due to the problematic nature of the topic, dark spots are quite frequent, the distant being still the possibility of giving the last word on the matter.Another discipline that has referred to the use of concepts is the linguistics. This is because words are entities that arbitrarily associate a signifier with a meaning or concept. Specifically, it was Saussure who enunciated these proposals that were published posthumously in the work Course in General Linguistics. However, there are several references to this topic in the aforementioned discipline.
In the future, this topic may be deepened in the field of science, in order to achieve a better description of the functioning of the human mind.
Topics in Concept