Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2011
The cosmology is that branch of the Astronomythat takes care of study of the general laws of the origin of the world and the evolution of the universe, that is, cosmology is the study at large scale both the structure and the history of the universe as well as the place that humanity occupies in it.
Branch of Astronomy that studies the origin of the universe, its structure and the place that man occupies there
Although the denomination of Cosmology has a relatively modern origin, year 1730, when it was used for the first time in the work Christian Wolff's Cosmology GeneralisIn reality, the study of the universe had been going on for a few more years and also the commitment of other sciences and disciplines such as physics, astronomy, esotericism, religion and science. philosophy.
So, modern cosmology, we can assert that it has arisen from the century XVIII and the hypothesis which maintains that the stars of the Milky Way belong to a star system with a discoidal shape, of which the sun itself is a part and that other Bodies also visible from the telescope turn out to be stellar systems similar to that of the Milky Way, it was its great ally and companion in that resurgence.
The galaxy to which we belong, the Milky Way, is made up of millions of stars and the sun is one of the most important of its kind.
From our planet you can just appreciate the profile of the aforementioned galaxy, while from the outside it is possible to perception more accurate in terms of the scale of the Milky Way. According to the studies and research carried out in this regard, it is about twenty thousand light years thick and about one hundred thousand years long.
The explosion of the Big Bang originates the world. The close relationship with Astronomy
Experts in the field of cosmology, formally called cosmologists, consider that since the Big Bang explosion, a fantastic and huge explosion, which happened millions of years ago, which is what is believed to give rise to our universe, etc., the first has not stopped expand
Cosmology could not exist without Astronomy, it needs it as a human being to be able to live, because it is nourished by its great theories and knowledge that come from a long time.
Astronomy deals specifically with the structures that make up our universe and cosmology has been commissioned to study the origin and evolution of the universe.
Bases and types of cosmology
Since it laid its foundations, cosmology has been based on two fundamental maxims that guide its work. On the one hand, the theory of relativity devised by the scientist Einstein and the inflationary theory.
For the first, space and time were conformed into a single dimension and this is how time manifests itself in relation to movement, a fact that marks the movements that are happening in the universe.
And for its part, the second theory says that the universe was created from the explosion of the Big Bang and this triggered the consequent expansion of matter.
Meanwhile, cosmology is divided into two types, physical cosmology, which is concerned with studying the large-scale structure and dynamics of the universe, most especially with answering questions such as the origin, evolution and fate of the universe. And on the other hand the alternative cosmology, which represents all those theories, models or ideas that contradict the standard model proposed by physical cosmology.
Physical cosmology has as its developmental kick General theory of relativity formulated by Albert Einstein and on the other hand to the improvement in astronomical observations of objects that are located extremely far away. Such a situation triggered the researchers to go from speculation to the scientific search for the origins of the universe, a clear example of this is the big Bang Theory, erected in some way as the standard answer paid by most cosmologists for the breadth of phenomena it involves.
Basically, this type of cosmology tries to understand the great structures of the universe at the present time: galaxies, super clusters, galactic groupings, using the more distant and energetic objects in the universe, such is the case of supernovae, in order to understand its evolution and know the phenomena that occurred at the beginning of it also.
Currently, cosmology studies and analyzes phenomena via so-called particle accelerators, special devices that use electromagnetic fields and make possible the reproduction of the level of Energy that the universe had at the time of its birth and thus it is possible to know the evolution and development that came later.
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