Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, in Dec. 2008
The conception of value is multiple and can refer to one diversity Of elements. In general, the term is used to measure or weigh the qualities of an object, individual and / or situation or reality and determine if it is positive or negative, it is that is, the value provides an estimate about the aforementioned things, for example, such a thing or person suits us or does not suit us at all in our plan or goal...
Then, the values in this sense are rather principles that will allow us to guide our behavior in relation to the goal of personal fulfillment. The belief in this value and not in another will make us prefer this or that or reject the other. Likewise, values are a way to satisfy desires or achieve fulfillment.
Courage and behavior, a close and feedback partnership
The person who acts in this or that way will undoubtedly do so based on the beliefs that he has and for assumption of the values, by case, the value that is had in a certain question will be translated into an action with respect to to her. When it is popularly said that an individual lives according to the values that he proclaims, he will be widely considered because he respects his values and acts in tune with them. These types of people always decide to act based on the values in which they believe.
Having values, especially in relation to the environment and the rest of society will help the person to develop satisfactorily in any area since he is clear about what he will or will not do before a certain event. It is more difficult to face a person who does not have values since it is not known or will have a vague idea of how he will respond to a given event.
Values: ethics and moral
On the other hand, when talking about "values" In the plural, this expression is often related to the ethics and morals of an individual or group of individuals.
According to the different socio-historical contexts, values may vary, while the ethics and morals of societies also differ.
Values and their contribution to coexistence harmonica of a society
Each individual as a consequence of the position in which he was born or education that you received will have certain values that are the consequence of it. Rather, they will come from his internal part and will guide his actions in certain life situations that he must choose between this or that path. Now, due to this situation, we must emphasize that the personal values of each person may differ. with respect to those of another and this is precisely because none comes from the same place or has had traces experiences.
Meanwhile and on the other hand, general human values or also called universal are characterized by being agreed, accepted and socially respected by the majority of people, and we acquire them as a consequence of the socialization processes to which we are subjected in family education first and then in education. school.
In reference to the more general human values, it can be said that they are those that strengthen man in his human quality and in his relationship with other men, those who constitute man as an exemplary being among others beings.
Many of them have to do with man's belonging to a family or social environment and are linked to respect, tolerance, honesty, loyalty, effort, responsibility, the solidarity and dignity. More recently, communication in the different orders of life (family, work, social, recreational) began to be considered as relevant as a value of exchange and relationship.
Ultimately, human values are those that give greatness to man, surpassing his own freedoms and individual interests, in pursuit of those ideas and actions that benefit society in general and its neighbor.
In turn, values are associated with different contexts of belonging, in many cases religions are the environment that gives a framework to solidarity practices of man, but also non-profit organizations in various societies around the world seek to promote the conservation of values and the pursuit of more humane and meaningful visions and missions, fighting for causes that they consider just such as peace and love.
Issues in Values