Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2010
Shame is that feeling that manifests itself with the disturbance of the spirit as a consequence of the commission of some serious fault, for the realization of some humiliating and dishonorable action, either his own or someone else's, or simply because of the shyness that someone suffers as a characteristic of his way of being.
Feeling that embarrasses someone for having committed a serious offense, for shyness ...
When feeling shame, it is usually associated with self-esteem, since it lowers it, and places the person who suffers it in a state of inferiority; the self is impaired and then this prevents the person from acting normally and with ease.
Shame usually presents many physical signs in the one who is feeling it and they then allow us to recognize it in the other, such is the case of the lighting of the color of the face, turning to a red color and showing the aforementioned feeling of the person who suffers it, gestures such as lowering the head or covering the face; tremors, palpitations, among others.
For example, in a meeting They all insist that Laura mention a few words, while, as she is very shy, such a situation will trigger the latent shame of Laura who suddenly, before her applause to encourage her to talk about her, will be slapped red. “The blush on her face was a clear sign of the shame she felt.”
Shame is usually felt after having committed some dishonorable or indecent action, for example having insulted someone who did not deserve it, having incurred an illegal act or for having gotten into a sensitive issue, others.
A way out of positive behavior changes
When someone feels shame as a consequence of some of these behaviors mentioned above, it has a positive ending or correlation since when manifesting that feeling, the person will be recognizing that he made a mistake, that is, he understands that he was wrong with what he did, the feeling of shame is precisely the proof of it, and immediately afterwards it is possible and certain that the person assumes a new behavior, obviously positive, and then, that person will no longer incur those acts.
Association with fear and shyness
On the other hand, shame is a feeling that lies closely linked to fear to pass the aforementioned embarrassment, as we mentioned in the previous example, Laura, feels ashamed to speak in public and surely the cause of this is in the deep fear that gives him to make mistakes while he is speaking, to contradict himself, or to get stuck in the middle of speech.
Generally, shame is a very common characteristic among shy people, because those who are extremely shy will never want to show certain aspects of their life in public. personality, or failing that of his body. “I'm so ashamed that they look at my legs that that's why I don't wear miniskirts. When he is in public, his shame cannot be hidden, but in private he is the most talkative of the group.”
Shame about being mistreated or about physical imperfections
Shame can also be the result of having suffered bad treatment by one person, that is, when another speaks very badly of us in front of an audience, for example, exposes intimate issues or treats us as a bad person or Useless.
And also there are physical characteristics that people present that embarrass us and then this feeling emerges.
For example, those who dye large noses, small breasts, overweight people, among others, often feel ashamed of those physical imperfections and then a conduct It is natural to hide or disguise them as much as possible.
Scandalous event
On the other hand, shame can refer to that scandalous and outrageous act or event that someone stars in. “Juan is not ashamed to show up for work after everything he said about his colleagues. I'm so ashamed to hear her speak so badly about her father.”
Scoundrel: individual who acts without decorum
Meanwhile, it will be called scoundrel to that individual who has no decorum or whose moral it does not prevent you from committing ethical misconduct. “Roberto is a scoundrel, he ruined our family and he still has the tupe to knock on our door.”
Shame of others: that which someone feels for what another does
And the embarrassment It is that shame that an individual feels as if it were his own, but in reality he feels it for something that another person has said or feels.
"I felt someone else's shame when the deputy caught red-handed stealing the state's silver claimed his innocence."