Definition of About Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Who we make up Definition ABC
We have been involved with education projects for more than 10 years, and we are passionate about continuing to grow in experience from new initiatives and contacts. Definition ABC belongs to the Onmidia LTDA network, headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil. However, its team is made up of Spanish-speaking professionals from countries such as Spain, Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina. If you want to contact us, you can send us a private message from Facebook or another of our pages on social networks.
Javier Ferrer
Degree in Philosophy from the University of the Balearic Islands. Extensive experience as a teacher in subjects such as History of philosophy, Ethics and Education for citizenship. In the field of teaching, I have also taught Spanish classes in the United States. As a person interested in culture in general, I have collaborated in the correction of books and in different projects, especially in the field of disability, sports and history.
Maria Paz de Andrade
Physician specialized in internal medicine, author on health issues. Convinced that informing and educating is as important as medicating.
Maite Nicuesa
Graduate and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Navarra. She is an expert in Coaching by the D´Arte Formación school, and working as an editor in digital media.
Florence Ucha
Degree in Journalism, graduated from the Universidad del Salvador, with experience in local media and educational communication.
David yanover
More than 15 years of experience as a journalist and consultant specialized in electronic media, with articles in publications in various Spanish-speaking countries, such as Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, and Spain.
Cecilia Bembibre
Professor in History and Social Sciences. Experience in teaching activities in subjects such as Ancient History, European History, and Latin American. Also in social issues such as Civil Education, sociology and philosophy. Extensive experience in writing and correcting texts related to those topics and in the preparation of pedagogical texts.
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