Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2009
The paragraph is a Unit of speech that in a text written express an idea or argument or you will reproduce the words of a speaker in a speech. It is composed of a set of sentences that show a certain unity thematic or although without having it they are enunciated together.
It is easily detected within a text due to the following characteristics: It begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop and includes several sentences, as we said, related on the same subtopic, while one of them will only express the main idea.
The most common practice used to to separate the paragraphs of a text is to place an indent at the beginning of it, occupying the same from three to five spaces, complementing it with the introduction of a blank line or a greater separation from the next line at the end of the same.
There are several types of paragraphs: narrative (formed by a sequence of statements, typical of a news or chronicle), descriptive (enhances the use of the word with a
description sensory), argumentative (Its objective is to present opinions or, failing that, to refute them to persuade the receiver), expository (explains or further develops the topic presented), from compassion or contrast (compares objects or ideas with the intention of marking similarities and differences) and enumeration (lists situations that go from the most to the least important). Topics in Paragraph