Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, in Jan. 2009
The format is the set of technical characteristics and presentation of a text, object or document in different areas, both real and virtual.
The collection of shape aspects is called format and appearance that are used to distinguish one entity from another, in analog and digital settings, in graphic publications and in web archives and in all kinds of fields.
The term format can refer to different fields of work. For example, in graphic publications, the printing modality that it carries is called format. Format is also used to refer to types of audiovisual products, such as when a miniseries format of a unit program on TV, or a music program of a relational one on the radio.
On computing, the concept of format also has many different meanings. The most common way of referring to this term is that of format understood as a distinction of storage and modality of file. The formats differ according to the content of each file on a computer and, for example, an .MP3 format (from
music or audio) is different from the .doc (text) format and also the .ppt (of a slide show.You can also talk about the format of a HDD in terms of the partitions into which a given system is divided, as divided into files or folders and archives. When it comes to "formatting" it is about preparing a disk for emptying and later use.
Finally, format is also widely discussed in terms of all the details and characteristics that make a digital object. For example, in a text document, the typeface or font, the colors, the inclusion of images and titles, and so on. In a slide show, on the other hand, the use of effects or animations. In an image editor, the alteration of the same by means of retouching or special functionalities. Topics in Format