Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Mar. 2015
The most widespread meaning of this word is the one that applies to a school grade below the approved one. Thus, having a failure in a subject indicates that the student has not passed a test or exam and, therefore, the grade obtained is not satisfactory.
Although a failure implies that you do not have enough knowledge, it is not the same to fail with a 4.5 out of 10 points than to obtain a 0 (in the first case the student is very close to the In any case, in the school environment, failure is synonymous with failure and usually has consequences: not passing to the next year or having to make up the exam. approved.
Moments of tension in which one feels pressure
The idea of suspense also applies to other circumstances where there is a test of evaluation: in obtaining a driving license, competitive examinations, an entrance exam to an entity, etc.
Failure of a test generates diverse psychological reactions: a sensation of temporary defeat, a stimulus to face the challenge of passing the test the next time or the final resignation of the objective.
Other meanings regarding Perplexity and Tension
When a person is disoriented and doubts about something, he has a feeling of uncertainty. In these circumstances, fail indicates perplexity ("I was suspended when I found out"). This meaning resembles the idea of suspense in the literature or the movie theater, that is, the tension of the reader or the spectator in the face of uncertain and unpredictable events. Keep in mind that suspense and suspense (which comes from the Latin suspensus) share the same meaning, since in both cases there is a doubt about something. Interestingly, suspense is used more frequently in Latin America, while suspense is more common in Spain.
Training of expressions
Words end up forming expressions and this is what happens with expression "on hold", which means that something has been temporarily interrupted pending the adoption of a final resolution. Leaving something on hold entails its paralysis with some purpose. Suppose a person has to make up his mind about something important, but wants to think carefully about what he is going to do. do and states that "you prefer to put your decision on hold until you have thoroughly studied the situation". The appeal of not deciding for a time may be suspicious, and may indicate that you want to save time or that you want to avoid responsibility.
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