Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2019
A litany is a supplication or praise that is repeated throughout a prayer. The words that are spoken are directed to God or to the Virgin Mary. It can be said that a litany is like a poem of adoration in which words of praise are expressed. Regarding its etymological origin, this word comes from the Greek litanéia, which literally means supplication or prayer of supplication.
During the first centuries of Christianity the faithful began to invoke the intercession of the saints and the Virgin Mary as a form of request for help. In the first Jewish synagogues these supplications were also pronounced.
In the Middle AgesSpecifically from the Vll century on, the litanies were fully integrated into Christian prayers. In the texts of Paul of Tarsus there are already explicit references to this traditioncultural. Officially it was Pope Leo Xlll who prescribed the incorporation of the litanies after the recitation of the rosary during the liturgy.
In the catholic world
When a faithful prays to the Virgin Mary at the end of the recitation of the rosary, a phrase is pronounced repeatedly: pray for us. Thus, this repetition at the end of the litany expresses love towards the Virgin Mary, since she was the woman chosen to be the mother of God.
One of the best known litanies states "Mary, the ark of the new covenant." This statement comes from the Old Testament, where reference is made to a container or ark where there were elements of great importance for the Jewish people (manna was the food of the people, the law Moses served as a spiritual guide and Aaron's rod symbolized the beginning of authority). Thus, already in the context of New Testament The Virgin Mary becomes the ark of the new covenant, since her womb is the "container" where the spiritual food for humans is found, that is, Jesus Christ.
In summary, the litany that we mention refers to a command that comes from the Old Testament but is only understood in the religious context of the New Testament
The invocations addressed to the Virgin follow one another in a uniform way and in this way the message of praise or supplication.
Among the best known we can highlight the following: "ora pro nobis", "have mercy on us" or "lamb of God ...".
In the Catholic liturgy the priest prays and the congregated faithful respond with some supplication or petition addressed to the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary.
From the theological field, these invocations have the purpose of harmonizing two issues: the feeling of piety of the believers with the liturgy.
Fotolia photos: Lightpoet / Bitter
Themes in Litanies