Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2009
According to the use that is given to it, the term halo can refer various questions, on meteorology, a halo, is that optical effect caused by ice particles in suspension in the troposphere which refract light and generate a spectrum colors around the moon or sun, as appropriate. The radius in which the phenomenon occurs is usually 22 °, although there are cases of up to 46 °. Inwards it tends to present reddish colors and outwards colors such as yellow, green and light blue.
Although we can also find other types of halos ...the fence of diffuse light that surrounds a luminous body is also known as haloSuch is the case of the halo that is erected around a lit candle or a lantern when it is also lit.
In religious contexts The term halo is also very common, since the word refers to the fence of light that surrounds the head or figure of a saint or an angel.
On the other hand, to quality that opinion majority believes or has about a certain person, it is also known as halo. For example, an aura of mystery surrounds the figure of Juan.
Linked to the term we find the concept halo effect, what is the effect that occurs only in the observer and that makes think that still being features limited can be applied to a whole. For example, if a very particular characteristic is appreciated in a person, due to the halo effect, what the observer will do is generalize it and apply it by generalizing the personality, even when in fact it has nothing to do with the rest of the characteristics or abilities that the person really has.
An example will further help to understand the issue, for example, by seeing a woman cute and as a consequence of the halo effect, we tend to think that it is smart and clean.