Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2012
The word estrangement is the term we mostly use to indicate, express, the distance physical, or failing that spiritual, that exists between two individuals.
The physical estrangement between two individuals, normally, is the consequence of the trip of one of them to another distant place or by the settlement from one to another country, Province, region, a fact that prevents the daily visit since it is necessary to circumvent hundreds or in some cases thousands of kilometers to get closer. Other reasons for this type of separation may be incarceration in prison or in some institution to carry out any treatment.
It should be noted that in the case of spiritual separation, it may be due to the enmity generated from a fight that causes the distancing. Generally, human beings, when we argue strongly with people around us, affections, relatives, friends, among others, we tend to stay away from them, that is, we will avoid frequenting them as we used to do before the Fight.
The situation that this type of removal provides is usual that causes serious damage to the emotions and the psyche of the affected people, since suddenly and in the absence of that other that was previously a company, loneliness and the feeling of its absence appear.
Also, the difference of opinions regarding some topic or case, that of beliefs, of ideology, among others, can cause estrangement between people. Among the most common of this type, the religious and the politics. Opposing religious beliefs tend to trigger separations of people for not supporting only the difference of positions and in the most extreme cases of fanaticism, such is the In the case of the most extreme Islamists with their immolations and terrorist attacks in favor of jihad or holy war, they even usually cause serious consequences for others and humanity.
The word estrangement has a variety of synonyms such as: the aforementioned separation, estrangement, estrangement .... The concept that proposes the totally opposite of distancing is the close up.
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