Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2010
The concept of auction is a concept that is used in specific events through which a certain amount of objects for sale but instead of being done the way traditionalWaiting for a person to buy a product, the auction involves a valuation of each item through the auction. The auction means that there may be several interested in the product itself and that only the one who makes the offer larger. Many times selling in Format of auction has to watch with the sale of furniture or jewelry more than other items that can normally be found at auction.
Every auction involves the sale of certain products at a price that is not set by the sellers but is ultimately established by the competence that is generated among those interested. In the case of the auction, we are generally talking about sales that have to do with judicial decisions (for example, if assets were expropriated from a entity or person for a certain reason and the Justice decides to put them up for sale again, or if the person died and there is no one to bequeath them).
On the other hand, auction houses are usually spaces where you can find old and very particular products, which increases their price and makes them more valuable. Other times, those products that are put up for sale may have belonged to famous personalities and the world of entertainment.
The notion of auction is very old and its primitive forms were those carried out by the victors of battles or wars respect of the items or the loot that they took from the defeated, dead or alive. The items that were removed were then awarded to whoever offered the greatest amount of money or capital.
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