Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2012
The bitterness is he feeling deep pain, pain and displeasure that an individual may experience as a result of some situation or event that life brings. Generally, those sad and irreversible events, such as the death of a loved one, or failing that, the failure In some activity or objective that was being followed, they usually trigger the feeling of bitterness in people.
Also, we use the word bitterness for designate what is the reason for that feeling and suffering.
Meanwhile, this sense of the word bitterness presents several synonyms that can be used in its defect, such as: grief, grief, distaste, disgust .... Instead, bitterness is directly opposed to concepts such as those of bliss, joy Y pleasure, which of course will refer to an absolutely different scenario in which happiness.
Another use of the word is one that allows us to refer to the quality bitterness, that is, the bitter taste or taste of some food or situation x.
The bitter taste is one of the basic flavors along with acid, sweet and salty and undoubtedly constitutes the most unpleasant of all. It is possible to detect it thanks to the taste buds lodged in the back of the
language.It should be noted that there are various chemical compounds that give us the bitter taste on our tongue and precisely it is very accurate when it comes to detecting them. This is believed to be closely related to the instinct from survival of humans since most poisons have a bitter taste.
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