Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2011
The anachronistic term is used as a qualifying adjective to designate things, elements or people that act in a timeless way, that is, that They are not conditioned with the time and space in which they exist and that refer above all to past times, for which they are understood as past times. fashion. In general, the term anachronistic is used, then, as something negative, to mean that something is not located in an appropriate way in the time that corresponds to it.
The anachronistic term comes from the Greek anachronikos, a term that gives us the idea of 'against time'. Thus, when we speak of something or someone as anachronistic we are referring to what is not consistent with its historical time in which it appears, that is, it does not coincide with that time. If we take into account that each stage history is characterized by having traits particulars that may be similar at other times but not repeatable, we can then understand this concept much better.
The idea of anachronistic is normally used as a negative qualification that is placed on elements, attitudes, types of personalities or thoughts, etc. All these items may be anachronistic for the time in which they arise since they represent more the values or features of other times. Thus, a suit can be anachronistic when instead of representing the clothing Today it represents the clothing of the nineteenth century. It can also be anachronistic a type of thought which assumes that some ethnic minorities (such as African Americans) today integrated into society are dangerous (typical thought of other historical times). It may even be anachronistic to also point out that a government should be governed by a monarch, a type of government or figure politics Completely anachronistic today in most of the West.
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